Banyak yang bingung mencari Catatan di Panel My Blog IMVU. Penulis sendiri mondar mandir mencarinya ternyata Panel tersebut telah dihapus oleh IMVU (pf)
Sebelumnya kamu bisa melihat Panel Blog IMVU kamu di Homepage kamu.
Ada yg belum tahu Homepage? Homepage IMVU disini adalah Halaman Rumah kamu (web). Yaitu link dengan akhiran ID Avatar kamu. Contohnya begini:
Nah itu adalah link homepage kamu. Coba kamu Copast link tsb dan Ganti nama Avatarnya dengan Avatar kamu.
Balik lagi ke Panel My Blog. Sesuai Message dari Staff IMVU pada tanggal 14 April kemarin yg isinya begini:
" In our ongoing efforts to remove unused/old
features and panels, we are planning to remove the My Blog Panel from
IMVU home pages. The panel is not used by most of our users based on the
data we have reviewed. On an average only 2,500 IMVU members make use
of the panel in a month. This is extremely low compared to our customer
base. Maintenance of the panel is however cumbersome from the backend
We continue to streamline the settings menu to allow us to focus on features that are used more frequently by IMVU members.
We are planning to remove the blog panel in two weeks (On or after April
27th). Do let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Thank you!
Nah diatas dijelaskan kenapa Panel tsb akan dihapus yaitu dikarenakan Rata-rata hanya 2.500 Anggota IMVU yg memanfaatkan panel ini dalam satu bulan. OK IMVU No problem...
Added by: Riz_Hackerzone
18-01-2025 Views: 69199
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