Ada kabar gembira buat para IMVU Mania, kamu bisa mendapatkan Credit sebesar 200.000 Credit per bulan dengan hanya minimal 30Menit per hari dan Setidaknya aktif 5 Hari dalam seminggu sebagai Forum Moderator.
IMVUCE is looking for talented individuals to help maintain our new beta forums. You must be good at typing, spelling / grammar (or good at faking it via SpellCheck), and have a passionate feel for IMVUCE (or at least IMVU), wanting to help with something big as a team. That being said, let's look at specific requirements below.
1.) Must be 18 years of age or older.
2.) Must have your Avatar Name registered on IMVU.
3.) Must have experience in forum moderation in the past (Invision PREFERRED, we'll accept phpbb/smf/vbulletin)
4.) Must have time to login and maintain the forums at least once a day, 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day minimum.
5.) Must enjoy IMVU and be passionate for IMVUCE and what it is doing in the IMVU Community.
We're looking for around 3 moderators right now, more to come later as the community grows.
This particular job pays out in Credits Only.
Job Payment: 200,000 IMVU Credits per month.
Think you qualify? Then send us an e-mail with the following information:
Real First Name:
Avatar Name:
Real Age:
Experienced with Forum Moderation: (YES/NO)
(if yes) How are you experienced with it?
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
...and that's it!
So, if you are interested click here to e-mail with the subject "IMVUCE_JOBS", or manually do this with your favorite e-mail client / web client. Either way just send us an e-mail with the information we ask for and we'll get back to you with our findings.
Thanks for reading,
Disini Dijelaskan, bahwa Kriterianya adalah sebagai berikut:1.) Harus berusia 18 tahun atau lebih.
2.) Harus memiliki Avatar yg terdaftar di IMVU.
3.) Harus memiliki pengalaman dalam moderasi forum
4.) Harus punya waktu untuk login dan menjaga forum setidaknya sekali sehari, 5 hari seminggu, 30 menit minimal sehari.
5.) Harus menikmati IMVU dan bergairah untuk IMVUCE dan apa yang dilakukannya di Komunitas IMVU.
Dan tentunya juga Harus Aktif dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Untuk Gajinya dijelaskan, Job Payment: 200.000 Credit per month
Butuh berapa banyak Lowongan Moderator disini? Pada tanggal pembuatan artikel ini IMVUCE membutuhkan 3Moderator / 3Lowongan
Kamu bisa cek
disini!Kamu berminat?Kirimkan lamaran kamu ke: dengan Subyek:
IMVUCE_JOBSDengan pesan:
Real First Name:
Avatar Name:
Real Age:
Experienced with Forum Moderation: (YES/NO) (if yes) How are you experienced with it?
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Pasti bisalah Ngisi Formulirnya? Kalau tidak bisa ya sama aja bohong. Disini kan juga diperlukan yang bisa dan aktif berbahasa Inggris. O Iya, untuk Credit yang kamu terima per bulan bisa kamu jadikan dolar. Bagaimana caranya? Baca Artikel selanjutnya
Added by: Riz_Hackerzone
30-01-2025 Views: 39414
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